Rahasia Lelaki Jantan


Fitri Ekawati Presenter Topik Pagi ANTV

Fitri Ekawati, a beautiful woman now is a news anchor (presenter berita) for ANTV. She usually appears in Topik Pagi, with Tyas Nugraheni.

Not so much information about Fitri Ekawati. Although actually Fitri has a lot of fans, but there are not many foto about her. Fitri is a smart, beautiful, and diligent news presenter. ANTV news program still OK, although less in frequency compared with other news telesion such as Metro TV and TV One.

Some information (informasi) about Fitri Ekawati

Fitri Ekawati Friendster

Fitri Ekawati Facebook

Foto of Fitri Ekawati, Presenter from ANTV. Picture (gambar) collection here, Only 4 photos :

fitri ekawati presenter antv

fitri ekawati presenter antv

fitri ekawati presenter antv

fitri ekawati presenter antv

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