Rahasia Lelaki Jantan

Sumi Yang Metro Xin Wen Mandarin Presenter

Cat Sumi Yang is a news anchor on Metro TV especially in mandarin program "Metro Xin Wen". Sumi Yang is one of not many mandarin news' presenters on televison. She also anchors in regular three language news "News Flash" on Metro TV.

Sumi Yang was born in Bagan Siapi-api, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. She studied in Univeristy BINUS (Bina Nusantara) majoring in Information Systems (SI). It is not a suprise that Sumi Yang can speak fluent mandarin, as she grew up in Bagan Siapi-api, a small fish city but has a lot of Chinese Ethnic.

Thank You to Metro TV, the first news channel on Indonesia, and the first media to broadcast a mandarin news and mandarin talks show. It really shows a great opportunity to other Chinese People's who live in Indonesia, to know more about Mandarin language and chinese cultures.

Like another News anchors from Chinese ethnic like Grace Natalie, Sumi Yang has an oriental-white-skin looking. With her fluent mandarin speaking, some fans are curious about her Indonesian Language. We never watch her apperarances in Indonesian.

Sumi Yang Photos, Presenter Metro Xin Wen on Metro TV

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sumi yang presenter mandarin metro tv

sumi yang presenter mandarin metro tv

sumi yang presenter mandarin metro tv

sumi yang presenter mandarin metro tv

sumi yang presenter mandarin metro tv

sumi yang presenter mandarin metro tv

sumi yang presenter mandarin metro tv

sumi yang presenter mandarin metro tv

sumi yang presenter mandarin metro tv

Watch Sumi Yang funny video on Metro TV


Farah Quinn Ala Chef Trans TV Host

Farah Quinn is a host (presenter) of Trans TV's culinary program "Ala Chef". Ala Chef is a 30 minutes duration show, focus on cooking and food recipe aired every saturday-sunday on 10 AM. What make Ala Chef now begins so popular is the host Farah Quinn. With her feminime and sexy body posture, Farah Quinn succeed to rise the program become high rated.

Who is Farah Quinn ?

Farah Quinn is known as the sexy chef from Indonesia. Farah Quinn is become more and more popular among Indonesian Celebrity. Not because she was a singer or a movie star but as a host in a culinary program at a television station. Many thought she was chosen to host the program is because her pretty face and sexy body posture, but actually, Farah Quinn is more than qualified because she hold a "Chef" degree with specialization in pastry. Together with her husband, Carson Quinn, Farah Quinn had even opened a four-star restaurant in New York, Camus. But unfortunately the restaurant had now been sold and she still thinking to create a new restaurant.

From elementary school to high school and college in America, cooking still feels exciting for her. She even thought of going back taking culinary school. While studying at the Pittsburgh Culinary Institute, Farah Quinn also worked at Lydia's Pittsburgh, the famous Italian restaurant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Graduated from college, Farah moved to Phoenix, Arizona, become a master pastry chef at the Arizona Biltmore Resort. She still learning in World Pastry Championships, and had studied to the pastry experts such as Ewald Notter and Collete Peters.

In 2005, under the direction of celebrity chef James Mullaney, Farah Quinn had a chance to make dessert for the G-8 Summit in Sea Island, Georgia. Thus She served U.S. First Lady, Laura Bush, and a number of other delegations. That year also Farah and her husband, Carson Quinn, opened a restaurant in New York Camus. Four-star restaurant that has now been sold.

Her appearance is as important as the ability to cook. Farah admitted that she love fashion. She regularly to the gym and cardio exercise for 30 minutes three times a week. Farah also love eats vegetable. She would like to transmit this healthy eating habits to the viewers. Health can also be yummy. Beginning with avoiding MSG (monosodium glutamate).

Farah Quinn likes to explore Indonesia beauty also. Before she cooks, Farah Quinn will visit some Indonesia's exotic place like beach, village, peak, hotel or somewhere, and interact with the local residence. That is the plus point of the Ala Chef program. The culinery is not about how to cook and eat, but it contains the history, how the food comes from.

Farah Quinn profile and Biography
Name: Farah Fauzan Quinn
Birthplace : Bandung
Birthdate : 8 April 1980
Height : 172 cm
Weight : 50 Kg
Husband: Carson Quinn
Child: Armand Fauzan Quinn
Education: Pittsburgh Culinary Institute

* Host a program called "Ala Chef" since November 2008
* Establish a restaurant Camus, 2005
* Chef at Lydia's Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
* Pastry expert at Arizona Biltmore Resort, Phoenix, Arizona
* Chef at G-8 summit in Sea Island, Georgia, 2005

Photos of Farah Quinn, presenter Ala chef Trans TV
farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

farah quinn ala chef

Watch Farah Quinn and Tukul Arwana on Bukan Empat Mata Trans 7 comedy Show on Youtube here

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